Travel Insurance is your Friend

Have you purchased Travel Insurance for your trip? Insurance can usually be purchased for around 4%-8% of your trip cost. Check out our Travel Insurance advice page…Infrequent Flier is full of sound advice and information, available through the top links on every page.

Now, until recently, we advised that insurance was best for trips to foreign countries and/or those with expensive tours associated with them. But there are many other things to consider.

  • If you are taking a cruise, and they offer you insurance…make sure it will cover you for airline tickets to meet up with the cruise, if any. If not, buy insurance for the whole trip from a third party to cover both.
  • Read the policy, and if you are unsure of something…call the insurance company for clarification.
  • In high summer travel seasons, and bad weather times, the simplest form of insurance might be warranted at a minimum even on inexpensive tickets. Remember…if an airline strands you for hours or days…or you have to incur extra transportation-relared expenses, you can make claims.

Before you say more…let us recount a few horror stories of the last year: Passengers diverted to regional airports and stranded by their airlines, incurring hotel bills, car rental, bus; service meltdowns causing passengers to scramble for days to get on a plane…sleeping in airports and local hotels.

The government, we hope, will be forcing airlines to take more responsibility for these problems. But until then, we as passengers must be prepared.